Undervoltage Monitor with Reset 24 V

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The Undervoltage Monitor With Reset (acknowledgment) has outputs for a signal, buzzer or other indicators. It can be used to turn on/off acoustic or optical warning signals when the input voltage drops below/exceeds a defined voltage level. When the input volt­age ap­plied to ter­mi­nal 15 drops below the de­fined thresh­old volt­age out­puts 87, 87a, and C are turned on. Out­put 87 can be switched off again via reset input x (ac­knowl­edge­ment) while out­puts 87a and C re­main on. When the input volt­age on ter­mi­nal 15 ex­ceeds the de­fined thresh­old volt­age all out­puts are switched off. Cus­tom thresh­old volt­ages are avail­able on re­quest. Please refer to the chap­ter hous­ing and base plates for ad­di­tional hous­ing op­tions.

Technical details

Inputs and Outputs

Number of pins 7
In-/Outputs (total) 5
Inputs (total) 2
Inputs (analog) 1
Inputs (digital) 1
Outputs (total) 3
Outputs (digital) 3
Switching current 4A

Mechanical Properties

IP rating IP53
Housing material PA66GF30
Dimensions 30 × 30 × 40 mm


Programming software MRS Realizer

General Information

Temperature range -40 to +85°C
Operating voltage 9-30 V


Order options
Order no.Name
Thresholds: 23V / 25 V; Undervoltage Monitor with 87a, Connection S10
Individual voltage range; Undervoltage Monitor with 87a, Connection S10
Thresholds: 23V / 25 V; Undervoltage Monitor without 87a, Connection S8
Individual voltage range; Undervoltage Monitor without 87a, Connection S8

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